Hi Everyone! As many of you know I’ve spent the majority of my summer here in Greece. Oh how I wish I started my blog earlier because I have so much to share! For those of you who don’t know my dad was born in Larisa, Greece and came to the States when he was just eighteen years old. With that being said, many of my family members still live here and we come to visit as often as possible. A few years back my dad decided to buy a lot in Sotiritsa (a small beach town in the city of Larisa) and we now have our own home. That story could be a post in itself, however today I’m writing about my favorite hobby…shopping. It’s safe to say very few things can hold me back from shopping…not even the 110° F weather we had here today could stop me. This morning my aunt, mom, sister and I headed to the city to do some shopping before we head back to the U.S. next week. I’d say the day was a success over all.


The first store we visited was Calliope Italia. This is an Italian franchise store. They always have great deals! From here I bought a trench coat for only €14.99. I’m not sure what brought me to buy a jacket in such hot weather but it was just too cute to resist. Next, we visited Bershka a retail store owned by the Spanish Inditex group (they also own Zara and many more famous stores). I bought my new favorite shirt here! It’s a simple grey t-shirt that reads, “‘I really need new clothes’ -me every morning”. The shirt really couldn’t describe me any better. My sister also bought some really trendy “girlfriend” jeans! Check out the pictures below.


My sister Vissi trying on her jeans.


My life on a shirt.


Next we walked into a store I was completely unfamiliar with called Dust + Cream. It is a Greek beauty franchise. It is pretty hard to keep me out of a beauty store however I was drawn into this particular store by the “Perfume Bar”. It was like the Yogurt City of beauty stores. You could literally fill a bottle with different scents and everything. They also sold make-up and different soaps with amazing scents. Here are some pictures:

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Lastly, we visited my favorite store of all time…yes, I just made that claim. It is not a day of shopping in Europe unless you visit Zara. The closest Zara to me back home is in New York City, which isn’t very close so this is a luxury to me! The store is four floors high so I was one happy shopper.


Of course we had to stop and take a mirror pic.

Of course we had to stop and take a mirror pic.

At this point we were hot and hungry so we stopped and grabbed a bite to eat. I got souvlaki on a pita! Souvlaki is a popular Greek dish. It’s basically just a pork kebab. Of course we also had Greek salad. Everything was delicious!


The last store we hit for the day was Carrefour. This is very comparable to a Walmart. They sell just about everything. We just dropped by to get some plastic cups, plastic plates, and mouthwash. Yet, like most grocery shopping trips it ended with a full cart…


Finally, we headed back home, but not without stopping for coffee at my favorite coffee chain, Mikel Coffee Co.


I hope you enjoyed reading about our eventful shopping trip. Follow my blog for more 🙂

xo Rickie