Hi everyone!

As you can probably tell from the title, today I will be giving some tips on how to make friends in college. I am a very introverted person so I was extremely nervous when my freshman year came around. As many people are afraid that they don’t know anyone, I used this to my advantaged. Because no one knew me, I could be whoever I wanted. College was a fresh start for me and I took full advantage, and I encourage you all to do the same.

This was my chance to be outgoing, join the clubs I was always afraid to, and finally just be free from all the superficial high school stereotypes, cliques, etc. College was the greatest thing that ever happened to me. So whether you had no friends in high school, or all the friends in the world, read along for my tips on how to make friends in college, because trust me, college is nothing like high school.

1. Join a club..or many clubs

This one may sound typical but it really is the best and easiest way to meet new people. Many schools will have an Activities Fair where students can talk to representatives from all the clubs on campus and see if they’re interested. There are tons of clubs in college, so you are bound to find one you like! Whether it is student government, sports, or a club for your major, there is something for you! I can (and maybe will) write an entire post on the benefits of joining a club. A group of people with a common interest? Tell me that’s not the perfect place to start a friendship.

2. Leave your door propped open

This is an excellent way for you and your roommate to get to know the rest of the students on your floor. It shows that you are open and willing to meet new people. My freshman year my whole floor decorated door props and then we had contest to see who had there door open the most. I had people stop in my room on the first day and they ended up staying and talking to my roommates for hours! We are still friends with them two years later.

Leaving your door open is also great for those like me who are kind of shy. I won’t usually be the one to go up and introduce myself to new people, but by leaving my door open, it showed that I was inviting and wanted to interact with others. This is such a simple way to allow yourself to meet friends.

3. Go to school events (i.e. football games, festivals, etc.)

College campuses usually have a lot of events going on, especially in the beginning of the year. Grab some people from your floor and walk to the football game together. The more you are out on campus, the more you will see the same people and begin to connect with them. If you just sit in your room all day there is a low chance of people getting to know you, and I’m sure you are great to know, so get out there and be seen!

4. Leave your past in the past, start fresh

A lot of these tips require physically getting out there and meeting people, but this one is more psychological. If you were the most popular kid in high school, let that go. Half of your college class was probably the most popular kid. And honestly, in college, no one cares about popularity. Just leave it behind, trust me. If you were bullied in high school, although that’s impossible to forget, you’re free now! College is a fresh start. Be confident in yourself and leave behind all the horrible people that ever put you down. Go to college with an open mind about others, and more importantly, about yourself. This is the next big step in your life, give yourself a chance to really explore without being held back by the past.


Do. Not. Go. Home. Here’s why… So let’s say you and your bff, or even bf, from high school made plans to go back home the first weekend and see each other. So, you do. Meanwhile everyone is busy on campus making friends and connections. Next weekend, everyone is with their new friends and you feel like you missed out, so you go home again, and again. This is a vicious cycle that will only keep you from making connections on campus. I’ve seen this happen first hand. There are even studies on it. No matter how homesick you get, try to stick it out for at least the first couple of months.

These are my top 5 tips for making friends your first year in college. Overall, just be yourself and get out there! College is full of opportunities to meet new people so take advantage, and HAVE FUN 🙂 These are the best years of our lives!

xo Rickie