Hi everyone!!

Happy November! Are the months flying by or what? I thought I’d try a different post today and share some of my goals for this month. I never realized how important goals were until I came to college. They really keep me on track and constantly improving. Just last week we had a speaker in class who wakes up every morning and writes down his goals…99% of them have been accomplished. I thought this was amazing and I have really been pushing myself to set goals more often. If you’d like to read about my goals for November just keep reading! 


1. Blog more

I started my blog over the summer and was posting as often as 4 times a week. Since school has started I’ve really been falling behind. This month I want to make sure I’m posting at the very least once a week. Maybe in December I’ll make it twice a week! Blogging is something I really enjoy and want to keep working at! 

2. Make President’s List (3.8 GPA or higher)

So I think I’ve made it pretty clear that school is a huge priority in my life. I take it very seriously and consider myself extremely lucky to have the opportunity to attend college, as neither of my parents did. I’ve made Dean’s List every semester thus far and last semester, for the first time I made President’s List. It was an amazing feeling and I would like to keep it up but it is a huge time commitment and very challenging (being a dual major doesn’t make it easier). 

3. Start my Christmas shopping

Sorry if the thought of Christmas stressed you out but it really is right around the corner! I always find myself doing last minute shopping I’d really like to get it out of the way as early as possible this year! 

4. Make time for the gym

The last time I went to the gym was in August…that is pretty much all I have to say about that. 

5. Allow myself to let loose and relax

I have a lot going on with work, school, clubs, and so on. More often than not I forget to make time for myself. I suffer from anxiety and often find myself overthinking and over analyzing everything going on. I’ve even been waking up at 8am on the weekends just to ensure I have enough time to do my homework. My boyfriend Bryan is always reminding me I need to relax and he always encourages me to do something for myself once in awhile. This month I’m finally going to take his advice! 

So those are my goals for the month of November! I’m pretty satisfied with the list and think that each goal is possible. Do any of you guys set goals? If so how often? I’d really like to continue documenting them rather than just keeping them to myself! 

Thanks for reading; here’s to a great month!

xo Rickie