Ok, well not exactly. I’m a Christmas Eve baby! Being born near the holidays can have its benefits and drawbacks. Every time I tell someone my birth date I get one of the following responses:

“Oh what a wonderful gift for your parents you were!”

“Cool!!! Double presents!!!”

and finally, “Do people only give you one present? That must suck.”

Regardless, I wouldn’t trade my birthday for the world! I never have school on my birthday, everyone is always in the mood to celebrate, and it’s the most wonderful time of the year!

For those of you curious, yes, my parents make their best efforts to separate my birthday from Christmas. My birthday presents are even always wrapped in birthday wrapping paper! I love everything about the holiday season and my birthday makes it that much better!

This year (tomorrow) I’m turning 21! Tonight my family, friends and I are headed to a local casino to celebrate! I’m extremely excited and will take plenty of pictures to share on my blog!

I’m sorry my posts have so scattered lately but I have a ton of ideas for posts and am working to get them up! Until then, enjoy the holidays!!

xo Rickie