Woo! Spring Break is right around the corner! To some that means you’re off to Cancun or some other tropical place. To others, its a full week of Netflix and Chill…by yourself. No big plans? No problem! Spring Break can be so hard to plan and of course afford. While some are fortunate enough to travel, others are left spending Spring Break at home. Just because you’re home for break doesn’t mean you have to be miserable. Here are some tips for enjoying Spring Break right at home!


Visit a tourist attraction near you or in your home town

This is my favorite! It is overlooked by many and can be so enjoyable. Most people have some type of tourist attraction near them and often times they’ve never been. For example, I live close to Yankee Candle and the Basketball Hall of Fame and most people from the area have never been to either. They make a great adventure for a date, family day, or hang out spot with friends! Don’t overlook your own town, there’s probably more to do than you think.


Work work work work work work (Rihanna voice)

Ok so this may not seem like the most fun option but hear me out. When everyone comes home from their spring break vaca, you’ll be rolling in the dough, and that is a great feeling.

Read a book

Nothing reminds me of summer more than reading a book by the pool. For some reason, I read so much more over vacation than throughout the school year. Leisure reading is really enjoyable and so relaxing. I have a couple books lined up for spring break this year.


Redecorate your room

Spring cleaning anyone? I love rearranging my room every few months just to spice it up a little. It just gives off good vibes and a fresh start. You can also make it a project and decorate with a bunch of DIYs.

Do away with your routine

Too often, we go home from school and it’s like we never got away. Take this week to do something different. Sleep in one day. The next day wake up early and go for a walk. Try to not stay in bed all day everyday and get out and do something different. While you should stay away from a normal routine, still plan activities ahead of time, and stick to them. Do something you said you always would. Most importantly, enjoy your time off.

I hope everyone enjoys their break however they spend it! Be sure to share any fun activities in the comments below šŸ™‚

xo Rickie