Happy April!

Apparently we’re supposed to get snow here in Massachusetts this week so it’s hard to even think it’s April! March was a bit rough for me as the semester winds down but I’m looking forward to a new month. With that being said it’s time to set some monthly goals!

1. Stay Positive 

This goal is a bit vague but I’ve been really struggling with my anxiety lately and I’m looking at April as a fresh start. For those who struggle with anxiety I’m sure you know how I feel. Stressful times like the semester’s end can take a huge toll. I’m really appreciative of my friends and family for all the support lately and am doing my best to stay positive and avoid this cycle:images.jpeg


2.  Better Eating Habits

This isn’t really a healthier eating goal but rather a get myself together goal. With everything being hectic lately my eating patterns are all over the place. I’ve been skipping meals some days, eating at 11pm others and I really just need to get back to a normal diet.

3. Go on more dates

This may sound silly but Bryan and I have been focusing on saving rather than spending but I’m in need of a good ole date. Nothing crazy, maybe just a movie night here and there but I want to spend some quality time with my best friend (which is apparently easier said than done). Time with him is a breath of fresh air.


4. Come up with original/new blog ideas

I’ve been really trying to be more creative when brainstorming blog posts. I like my monthly posts such as goals, favorites, etc. but I’m looking to incorporate more original content. With summer right around the corner, I’ll have much more free time to write so I want to have ideas ready

5. Finish Strong

Even with everything going on my first priority is school. There ikeep-calm-and-finish-strong.jpg
s about a month and a half of the semester and I really want to finish strong. I’m trying to avoid distractions and stay motivated but it can be really difficult.
I think if I really focus and work hard I can keep my grades high and head into my senior year stronger than ever. (Yes, saying senior year may or may not have just made me tear up).

These are my goals for April! I think they’re all attainable and I’m really looking forward to working at them all month. Thanks for reading!

xo Rickie