Happy June!

Like always, the beginning of each month marks a new chapter therefore I like to set new goals. In addition to goals each month I’m thinking of writing up a Summer 2016 Bucket List! Can you tell I like lists?! Anyways, here’s the part where I blab on about how I can’t believe it’s already a new month but in all reality I can’t believe how fast 2016 is flying by! The year is halfway over already, can you believe it? With that being said, here are my goals for the month of June.

1. Read at least 3 books

If you’ve been following my blog you would know I’m nothing but a bookworm at heart. For some reason, in the summer more than any other season, reading is my go-to hobby. I find it so relaxing. I’m about 3/4 through Sophia Amoruso’s Girl Boss and I’d like to finish that and at least two more books before July!


2. Start my book review for my summer class within the first two weeks of the month

For my summer class, we have to write 2 book reviews. The first one was due Monday (hence my absence) and the second is due July 1st. I really struggled getting this one done so I’m hoping to start the second one sooner rather than later.

3. Start using my new camera for blog pictures 

I bought a new camera!!!! I’ve been wanting the Sony a5100 for over a year now and I finally decided to purchase it. I just ordered the camera and it should be here early next week! In my 2016 goals I wrote about wanting to vlog and this camera will be great for that! I’ve always had a passion for photography and I’m really excited to try this out!


4. Begin gathering things for my trip to Rio

So the plus side of my summer class is that in August we get to travel to Rio de Janeiro for the Olympic Games! I’m so excited but also extremely anxious at the same time. I’ve never traveled with anyone but family or my boyfriend so this is a big deal for me. I’ve also started a separate blog for the trip so be sure to follow along here!

Anyways, my actually goal here is to have everything gathered and put aside this month because I’ll be in Greece for most of July. I only have one day home between trips so I want to make this as stress free as possible!


5. Learn at least 10 words or phrases in Portuguese

In addition to preparing for my trip, I want to learn some conversational phrases in Portuguese. I can understand Spanish pretty fluently so I’m hoping that helps. I want to learn things like hello, thank you, how are you, etc. I think knowing a few phrases would really enhance the trip for me. If any of you know Portuguese let me know some words in the comments!!

Giveaway Winner:

Now for the part you’ve been waiting for! I recently hosted a giveaway for reaching 100 followers. The winner of the giveaway is Lucia! Thanks for always reading and commenting on my blog! I really appreciate all of the support!

So for the giveaway I did not realize how much of my blog family was from Canada! As this giveaway was U.S. only I just wanted to say thank you so much for following and I will be sure to include international giveaways in the future! Again, thank you all for following and here’s to the next 100!

Tenham todos um bom dia!

xo Rickie

Follow me on Instagram: @asfarasiknowit