Hey everyone!

Look what came in the mail today!!!


I’ve been subscribed to Ipsy since this past May. So far, I’ve been really impressed. For $10 a month I get all sorts of new hair and beauty products to use that I wouldn’t go splurge on by myself. My problem with make-up, as much as I love it, is the high prices. I just can’t get myself to spend a large sum of money unless I know I love the product. So rather than buying a ton of make-up to try out every month, I limit myself to this $10 Ipsy subscription. If I find something I really like, I’ll splurge. Once I am more confident in knowing what I like, I will most likely cancel my subscription, but for right now I’m loving it!

This month’s Ipsy theme was Prep School. The bag was so cute! Take a look:

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Mind you I opened this at my little sister’s soccer practice so don’t mind the grass background. This bag came with 3 full-sized products and 2 sample/travel sizes. Let’s get into it!

Item #1 – Marc Anthony Nourishing Argan Oil of Morocco 

This is an oil treatment for your hair. I’ve been loving using argan oil when I get out of the shower so I’m really excited to try the Marc Anthony brand. It has a pretty strong smell but I love it so it doesn’t bother me. It’s a brand new product and will be found at your local Ulta/drugstore.


Item #2 – Ultra Mild Fash Wash by Lather

I’m not going to lie, skin care products are something I hate spending money on. I know I shouldn’t because good, healthy skin is the best foundation, but I do. So when I get skincare products in my Glam bag I get super excited. The full size of this product retails for about $26. I can’t wait to try this! Do any of you use Lather products?!


Item #3 – Doucce Cosmetics Ultra Precision Eyeliner in Black

You can never, I repeat, NEVER, have too many black eyeliners. I feel like I go through black eyeliner so fast it’s crazy. This eyeliner retails for $20. It feels super smooth going on. It’s also waterproof so it’s not going anywhere. I love it!


Item #4 – Trust Fund Beauty nail polish in Elegantly Wasted 

Love. Love. Love!!!! Purple is my favorite color (besides black of course) so when I saw this I fell in love. This is such a beautiful shade of purple. Even the packaging is adorable. One of these polishes retails for $12. I’ve never used this brand but I will definitely give this a try!

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Item #5 – HIKARI Lip Gloss in Merlot

Last but not least I received this beautiful shade of lip gloss by HIKARI Cosmetics. The shade is Merlot and I love it! The gloss is a bit sticky but doesn’t really bother me. This retails for $13. I swatched the color below. It looks more red on my lips, but like any color it will look different on everyone!

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Overall I loved this month’s Glam bag from Ipsy. I find it really helps me discover what I like/don’t like without wasting all of my money. I could only find prices for 3 items, which totaled to $45. That right there tells me it was worth it! Are you guys subscribed to Ipsy? If so, share what you got this month in the comments!

If you’d like to give Ipsy a try you can subscribe here.

Thanks for reading!

xo Rickie