Hi everyone!

So I am officially all moved in to my new apartment on campus! It’s way different from last year’s suite, but it also allows us much more freedom. I can’t believe I’m going to be a junior, time flies! Now that I’m all moved in I wanted to share some packing hacks with you all. Packing can be so stressful so here are a few tricks that may ease the process.

I believe in setting up everything you possibly can while still at home. Move-in day can be so busy with people, not to mention disgustingly hot, so I always like to finish setting up my things as soon as humanly possible.

The first way to do this is hang up all your clothes ahead of time. Often times I see people bring a box of hangers and a suitcase. It is so much easier to just hang everything up in my own closet, arrange it the way I want, and then be on my way. A hack I like to do is cut a hole in the top of a trash bag and then cover my clothes. This way they stay protected and together. I also attached the hangers with zip ties so all the clothes don’t just fall everywhere. Here is what it should look like:


It may not be pretty, but it works!

Another huge time saver is to fill your tubs the way you want them before you get to campus. Do not bring empty drawers, tubs, containers, etc. Not only does this save space traveling, but it will tremendously help saving time. Fill them up beforehand and you won’t stop thanking yourself. If you’re wondering what I mean take a look at some of my plastic drawers below.


My next two hacks aren’t really hacks, but they do help tremendously when packing. The first one being, make a list. List are so helpful when packing. You don’t want to be forgetting anything important, especially if you go to school far from home. Along with lists, be sure to pack ahead of time. Waiting until last minute to pack for something like this can be really stressful and leave you forgetting some things. Now back to some other cool hacks.

When packing jewelry, specifically necklaces, use straws to ensure they won’t get all tangled. There is nothing more stressful than unpacking your jewelry and finding one giant knot. This can be done by feeding the necklace through the straw and then clasping the ends together. See the photo below.


A huge space saver for me is to roll my clothes up. This allows me to for way more clothes in my suitcase while packing. Its also a great tip for traveling!

This next hack is so helpful! Try to put your heavier items in a suitcase with wheels (books, tvs, gaming systems, etc.). This will allow you to roll the heaviest items and not have to lift them. Moving can be extremely exhausting and the last thing you want is to get hurt!

Lastly, clean your room at home before you go. I know this sounds crazy but you will thank yourself in the long run. No one wants to come home to a mess. You’ll have to unpack all your school stuff and clean the mess you made and that just won’t be very fun.


I hope you found some of these helpful! They really work for me so I had to pass them on. Good luck to you all when moving in and please share any packing hacks you’ve discovered over time!

xo Rickie