Today’s post regards one of my favorite things about college: Student Activities! Clubs & Organizations on campus have made my time here at school unforgettable. In high school I really did not partake in a club activities. In college, everything changed. I am involved in multiple organizations on campus and I am having the time of my life.

I work a lot with first year students and one of the most common reasons they don’t enjoy their time here is that they don’t get involved. Multiple studies show that students who are involved are more likely to succeed.

There is a common fear that that getting involved means you won’t have enough time for classes. Maybe, for some majors this is true, however I find that there is plenty of time to take part in at list one extracurricular activity. Throughout this post I will least my top ten reasons to join a club in college.

1. Meet New People

Whether you are a freshman or a senior there are always going to be more people to meet on campus. Joining a new club is probably the easiest way to do so. It is so great for first year students because the club points out a common interest right away. If you are looking to make connections on campus, start here!

2. Gain Group/Leadership Skills

Being a member of a club requires you to work with others in a variety of ways. Regardless of if you are president or just a member, you will get the opportunity to lead in some way. Working in a group is a great way to gain your confidence! You’ll be surprised by how much you will learn by joining a club!

3. There are so many to choose from!

This is pretty self explanatory. You are bound to find something that interests you, so why not?! College is all about finding yourself and expressing yourself so find a club that makes you happy and join!

4. Less likely to experience homesickness

Joining a club gives students a sense of belonging. By joining clubs I found my place on campus. Clubs give students a reason to stay at school. As I mentioned earlier they help facilitate connections between students. Homesickness is a huge struggle with first year students but it’s hard to think about missing home when you’re part of a family here on campus.

5. Résumé

Ok so if you think you already have great skills and aren’t worried about making connections, joining a club looks great on a résumé. Employers love to see that you are involved on campus. It shows dedication, time management, and more. College is a time where you should really be focusing on building your résumé. Why not join a club and enjoy it!

6. Make a Difference 

There are many clubs with a social impact. If you are passionate about something and would like to educate others, find a club to do so! Whether it is anti-bullying, GSA, or Feminists Unite, there are ways you can impact others. Don’t be afraid to share your beliefs. You can even join a mentoring program and impact students on a daily basis. College is a place where opinions are valued and making a difference is possible! Put yourself out there, you never know what you can accomplish!

7. Learn about yourself

I have learned more about myself through working with others than anything. By being a member in a club you will push yourself and through that learn so much. You may learn new interests, your strengths, your weaknesses, and so much more! Clubs are a great place to express yourself so keep an open mind, even about yourself.

8. Further explore your interests

I don’t know about you but I love learning. I joined a club in my major and have learned so many things I never knew and that my professors did not focus on in class. I was also able to go on trips and learn about my interests from industry professionals.

9. Keep Busy

This may sound crazy but if I didn’t participate in clubs and organizations I’m not sure what I would spend my days doing. Maybe I’d have a 4.0 GPA or maybe I’d actually be able to finish watching Friends on Netlfix. Regardless, I’m happy I take part in them. It makes me feel like I’m making my time here worth every penny. Also, I genuinely enjoy it. There is so much free time in college and you can either waste it or take advantage of it to better your experience. I say go for it!


Clubs are awesome! Some, if not most, of my best experiences here on campus were the result of being in a club. I have made the friends of a lifetime in some of the organizations I’m in. I will always remember clubs as one of the best parts of college. Have fun with it and always remember you’re at college for you, so do things that make you happy!

I hope you enjoyed my top ten reasons to join a club. Feel free to add your reasons in the comments! Thanks for reading!

xo Rickie