Hey everybody!!

I’ve been wanting to start a new blog series but I wasn’t quite sure what direction to go in. I really enjoy sharing tips from my experiences in college and my college posts are very popular so I bring to you The Suite Life series. This will be a series of tips and stories I’ve experienced by living with other people at school.

Although this is only my second year living in a suite or apartment with more than one roommate, I have learned a lot in this time. Living in a room of girls can definitely have its ups and downs. One thing I’ve found to make the experience better is setting aside nights to bond with each other. This is something my suitemates and I did a few times last year and it was always a great time! It’s both a stress and tension reliever as well as a way to get closer with each other. I understand that not everyone wants to be best friends with their roommates but if you’re looking for different things to do together then just keep reading!

Game Night

This may sound childish or silly but you’d be surprised as to how much fun this is! One time last semester it was freezing cold and we didn’t want to go out and leave the room so we decided to stay in. I forget how it came up but we were brinstorming what to do and I remembered I had the game “Heads Up!” on my phone. We ended up playing and were going on for hours! For those of you who don’t know about Heads Up! it is an app that can be downloaded and is similar to charades. It’s particularly fun because it records you acting out the words and is bound to create laughter in the room! This became our go-to game on nights spent in the suite. It’s great for friends, family, and even children! I know this is a roommate specific post but the game is $.99 so I just want to let you guys know that I think its worth it! Here is the link to buy if you’re interested: Heads Up!


Movie Night 

I know this may not seem like a particularly “unique” bonding option however it is always a great idea to fall back on! Instead of channel surfing for hours trying to choose a movie, make it a themed movie night! Halloween just passed but a scary movie night is always a fun time (except if you’re me and are afraid of everything spooky). Also, with the holidays right around the corner you can plan a holiday movie night! Watch Elf and bake your favorite holiday cookies! It is way more fun than just watching a movie! Plus, for all of the holiday lovers like myself, it can be super cheerful and get you in the holiday spirit! We can all use some of that spirt during the stressful end of semester madness. When all else fails, throw it back and watch your favorite Disney films. Last year we found out one of my roommates had never seen The Lion King (tragic, I know) so we immediately had an impromptu movie night and had a great time! Don’t let movie night be boring; get creative!


Spa Night

So I have yet to try this out with my roommates but I would definitely like to give it a shot sometime this year! I’m always on Pinterest coming across DIY Scrubs and masks and I think this would make such a fun Spa Night in the room! Maybe I’ve seen too many teenage sleepover movies but I feel like just having a relaxing night to just do girly things would be really fun! I mean what is more relaxing than a night designated to pampering yourselves?! If you have any good DIY scrub recipes leave them in the comments down below


Cook a “Family Dinner”

This is one of my favorites! Nothing brings people together like eating at the dinner table. Usually, in a suite or apartment setting students have more access to cooking facilities (other than the microwave). For example, last year we had a common room with an oven and this year in our apartment we have a full kitchen. Getting together and cooking a meal gets everyone in the same room working together and then spending time afterwards eating together. There are fairly simple meals to be made (pizza, pasta, tacos, etc.) and this can be a lot of fun! This is something I wish my roommates and I would do a lot more often, but schedule conflicts can really get in the way 🙁


These are my unique ways to bond with suite mates! I hope you enjoyed. If you have any other ideas please share them in the comments! Thanks for reading!

xo Rickie