Can someone please explain to me where November went? Regardless, DECEMBER IS HERE! Not only do I love the holidays, but I was born on Christmas Eve, so it’s also my birthday month (the big 21)! I cannot explain how excited I am that this month is finally here. With that being said, its time to set some goals!

I started this series last month, in which at the beginning of the month I will be posting my goals for the month. I found this to be very helpful for me in November and I actually achieved all of my goals! (Okay, I only went to the gym twice, but hey it’s more than nothing). I’ll have more motivation in December to go to the gym though and if you read on you’ll see why…

1. Relax

This semester has been so incredibly stressful for me. I took on way more responsibilities than I could handle. With the semester coming to an end (finally) I really plan on relaxing my mind during this winter break. I want to come back to school feeling refreshed and ready to finish my junior year with a bang. This leads me to my exciting news…I’m going on a cruise in January!!!

2. Gather things for our cruise

Yes, I’m the luckiest girl in the world! In the beginning of January, Bryan and I are going on a five day cruise from Miami to Mexico! My summer clothes are all packed away for the winter however this month I want to start gathering everything together for the cruise. Also included in “gather things”is my body. I really have to hit the gym. At least now I have some motivation!

3. Start preparing for the LSAT

So much for relaxing… This summer I plan on taking the LSAT which is a standardized test every student in the hopes of attending law school must take. I want to begin studying over winter break that way I have enough time to focus and am not stressing over other schoolwork. I have a feeling it won’t be easy trying to study when I just want to relax for a month but I think if i really set my mind to it I can do it!

4. Save money for spring semester

I go back to work over winter break which is pretty exciting considering I’m fairly broke after the semester. I want to come back to school with enough money for books and groceries and all of that fun stuff. Hopefully over break I can put aside some money for the spring.

That does it for my goals this month! I can’t wait to see what December brings 🙂

xo Rickie