Happy  February!

It’s been over two weeks since my last post and all I have to say about that is school is back in session and I’m already in over my head! It’s like I never even had a break.

But anyways, it’s time to set some goals for the month of February! I don’t have anything to crazy going on this month but I’m still trying to get myself into 2016 mode. Here are some things I hope to accomplish this month.

1. Get into a routine

I’m still adjusting to a new semester with a new schedule. Each semester is a huge lifestyle change for me. I still feel like I’m living day to day and I really want to get into a routine this month.


2. Make and SAVE some money

Following the holidays I always like to work a little extra to get myself back not track. I’ve already showed some initiative by picking up some watering shifts. I usually only work there when school is out of session but I could really use some additional income.

Hand Putting Deposit Into Piggy Bank

3. Plan a Spring Break Trip

Yes, I’m already last minute I know. But I’d really love to do something fun for Spring Break (ideally some place warm). Also, now that I’m saving more money I can afford some travel.


4. Stick to my 28 Day Teatox

I’m not going to get too much into this because I want to do a full review at some point but I did start a Teatox today. I’ve always wanted to try it and finally got the chance to get my hands on one. I chose to go with SkinnyMint. If you’d like to hear more about this leave a comment below!


These are my goals for February! I’m excited to start a new month and work towards making 2016 a great year! Thanks for reading!!

xo Rickie