Hi February, Bye February! Am I right?

We’re already in month 3 of 2016! I can’t believe it. You guys know the drill by now. At the beginning of every month I like to set some goals. These goals help me keep track of myself, and help me work towards my yearly goals or resolutions, which most people have thrown out the window at this point. With that being said, Welcome March!

My first goal this month is to reorganize myself. I know this seems broad but I literally mean to just get reorganized. We’re right at midterms and things start to get so stressful and I start letting myself go. I forget to write things in my planner, procrastinate, etc. This is not the type of student I am so this month I plan to step back and get myself together.

Next, I want to continue last month’s goal of saving money. I did really well last month of starting to work more and therefore saving more. I plan to continue this throughout March. With Spring Break coming up I’m a bit nervous but hopefully picking up a few extra shifts will allow for more spending!

Recently, I became a member on Influenster. For those of you who don’t know, this is a website that sends you free products in return for reviews. I have already received to VoxBoxes of free products and I want to start incorporating these in my blog! I love reviewing products but feel like I always buy the same things. On a college student budget there’s not a lot of room to buy things just to review. Influenster is great for this reason!

Finally, this month I want to watch less Netflix and more TED Talks. Now I must admit, I did just binge watch all 13 episodes of Fuller House, but that was last month so it doesn’t count, right? TED Talks are so great and although I’ve been watching them since my freshman year (I’m now a Junior) I really want to watch more. These are educational, eye-opening, empowering and entertaining. I’m by no means giving up Netflix, I just get so much more out of watching TED Talks and a lot less guilt!

These are the main things I want to accomplish in the month of March! I’m super excited for this month and of course Spring Break! For all my fellow college students good luck on midterms! We got this :).

Until next time,

xo Rickie