Admit it, like me, you spend your day scrolling through Instagram, tapping through Snap stories, wishing you were somewhere/someone else. Spring Break just ended and everyone was on their tropical adventures and the rest of us were wishing we were them, right? Well, not exactly.

I’ve been doing a lot of self-evaluating lately and realizing that I am truly happy. I’m at a great school, in a great program, getting great grades. My family is so supportive and loving.  I’m spending my down time with the love of my life and my high school sweet heart. I’m healthy. I travel. Yet, I’ve spent my whole life thinking that’s not enough. I always wanted something more. Sound familiar? Well you’re not alone.


This post isn’t to tell you you’re unappreciative, nor is it to tell you how to live your life. It is a mere reflection on how I’ve come to appreciate my life for what it is. I’m happy, and that’s enough for me.

For those of you who don’t know, I suffer from anxiety disorder. I  would love to do a series of posts on dealing with anxiety, but I think this is a great place to start for now. Sometimes anxiety can cloud our judgement, and make us dwell on things that in the bigger picture don’t matter. However, there are some things I can control and lately, I’ve been choosing happiness.


Most weeks I spend so much time stressing that I literally burn out, and that it no way to live. I think that social media plays a huge role in how we see ourselves. It serves as a constant comparison to our lives. While we are too busy comparing ourselves to the Kylie Jenners of the Internet World, we forget how much we have ourselves.

Blogging has given me an outlet and has opened an amazing community for me. I love interacting with everyone on here and seeing my blog grow truly makes me happy. At first I was sort of embarrassed for people to read my writing, but I’ve come so far. I look forward to writing each blog post. For the first time in my life, I’ve truly appreciated my happiness for what it is.

It’s so easy to look at others and envy what they have, but it is even easier to look at yourself and notice all of the wonderful things. It is even better to look at others, and be inspired by them. When I started my blog, I thought I was in competition with the other bloggers. I realized a long time ago that was not the case. Instead, I am inspired by other writers.

If you’re still reading this, I want to thank you. This post is much different than the usual, but I’d like to incorporate more lifestyle posts to my blog. I also really wanted to share that it’s ok to be happy. Our society normalizes us hating ourselves by creating #goals for us but I decided to become my own goals, and I challenge you to do the same! Thanks for reading 🙂


xo Rickie

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