Hey everyone!

I’ve been nominated for my first Liebster Award! I’m beyond excited. I don’t share too much about me personally on here so here’s my chance.

Thank you so much to samanthalynmakeup for nominating for the award! She has an amazing blog so definitely go check her out.

If you any of you haven’t heard of the Liebster Award, it’s a way to discover other blogs. This award exists only on the internet, and is given to bloggers by other bloggers.

The rules are:

  • Post 11 facts about yourself
  • Answer 11 questions from your nominator
  • Nominate 5-11 other blogs (preferably with less than 200 followers) and ask them 11 questions (let them know you nominated them)

Here are 11 Facts About Me: 

  • I have a pet tortoise. His name is Franklin and I love him more than anything.
  • I’ve always had this goal to write a book before I die. I have a journal of ideas I keep to write about but am too afraid to share. I just know I love to write and would love to publish something meaningful.
  • I’m not sure what I want to do after I graduate..and I’m going to be a senior in college. I like too many things and I can’t set my finger on what exactly I want to be or do. There is too much to choose from!
  • My favorite time of year is September-December. Back to school season means a fresh start. October weather is the best! November is when I fell in love and December well everyone loves December! Especially me because my birthday is Christmas Eve 🙂
  • I met my boyfriend when I was 15 and I am currently 21. He’s my best friend in the whole wide world!
  • I have anxiety disorder which can make things quite difficult. I’m lucky to have a great support system.
  • I’m in love with New York City. Everything about it intrigues me. I visit multiple times a year and just can’t get enough.
  • I have the world’s largest sweet tooth. I get really grumpy without my sweets.
  • I’m a Sport Management and Marketing major. As much as I love blogging beauty, sport is my passion. I’ve always played and watched sports. My favorite sport is basketball and I’m a huge Boston Celtics fan thanks to my grandpa!
  • I’m Greek…like super Greek. I love everything about my heritage and fully embrace it. My dad came to the U.S. when he was 18 with nothing and no one and I am so proud of that.
  • I just visited Rio de Janeiro for the Olympic Games! I saw 6 events and each one was incredible.

Nominator Questions and My Answers:

1. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?

I love where I live. It’s quiet and homey but if I had to pick somewhere new I’d love to live in New York City for a period of time. I love the North East. I don’t think I would like living without all four seasons.

2. What is your nickname? Do you like it?

My nickname is actually Rickie (plot twist haha). My full name is Frederickie but I’ve been called Rickie my while life. So yes, I like it.

3. Where is the coolest place you’ve ever traveled to?

Brazil!! I just came back and it was so incredible. It was the trip of a lifetime.

4. Do you think you’ll blog for the rest of your life?

I’m not sure I’ll blog forever but I don’t see myself stopping anytime soon.

5. How many pets do you have? Which one is your favorite if you can choose?

I have one pet as mentioned above and he is a tortoise. He’s an only child and therefore my favorite and he’s a spoiled brat 🙂

6. What is your favorite brand of makeup & why?

This is too hard!! From the drugstore I love Rimmel but Colourpop is probably where I buy most the most products.

7. What inspires you to blog?

Other bloggers! This is an amazing community and I love being a part of it.

8. What can you never leave the house without?

Snacks..seriously even if I’m leaving for 15 minutes.

9. Who is your biggest supporter?

My parents and Bryan.

10. What is your guilty pleasure?

Fast food 🙁 It’s gross I know but chicken nuggets are my biggest weakness.

11. How do you feel about plastic surgery? (Fillers, augmentations of any kind)

I’m not against it! I feel like it has become part of our culture at this point. I’ve actually come to love my body the way it is so I’m not sure it’s something I would do but to each their own.

Nominee Questions

  1. Why did you start blogging?
  2. What is one make up product you can’t live without?
  3. Where did you get your blog name?
  4. What is your favorite book and why? If you’re not a reader choose a movie!
  5. If you could create your own lipstick, what would the shade and name be?
  6. Do you have any hidden talents? If so what?
  7. Who’s your favorite musical artist?
  8. What is your “go-to” make up look?
  9. Who’s your beauty idol? (beauty guru, blogger, celeb, etc.)
  10. Kylie Jenner or Kendall Jenner?
  11. What’s the best beauty advice you’ve ever been given?


  1. BeautyAndTidbits
  2. Becca-Louise
  3. Lipstick on the Lake
  4. Pastel Sparkles
  5. Girl Treasures

Thanks again to Samantha for nominating me!

Until next time,

xo Rickie