Happy New Year!

Let’s talk resolutions. I’m someone who is very goal-oriented so I’ve been putting some serious thought into my resolution. If I had to put it into one sentence, it’d be becoming a better me. I don’t want to change who I am, drop 30lbs, dye my hair, etc. I just want to improve myself. Here’s how:

  • Focus on positivity: this is something I’ve been saying I need to work on but never keep up with. Focusing on positivity means instead of be jealous, being greatful, instead of dwelling on the past, loking forward, and instead of sulking in bed all day complaining about my life, getting up and doing something about it. This year is one that will be full of change and big decisions and staying positive is something I will rely on.
  •  Spend less time staring at a screen: this may sound a bit cliché but it’s something that been bothering me for a while now. Wen I go out to eat I look around and see everyone looking down in their phones rather than the person across from them. I want to be able to put my phone down and listen more. Rather than watching Netflix all day, I will pick up the book I’ve been meaning to finish. Don’t get me wrong, I love technology, social media, and what not but I want to be able to enjoy the moment and the people around me.
  • Continue learning: I graduate from college in May 2017. That always sounded ages away and now here we are, just a few months away. For the first time in my life I won’t be a student. Learning is a passion of mine and just because I’ll no longer be in a classroom, does not mean I stop learning. Whether it be about politics, how to knit, or managing my own budget, I will continue to learn.

Positivity, togetherness, and learning are the keys to my growth this year. I wish everyone a happy and healthy new year!

xo Rickie