Happy September!!!!

To me September feels like a new year. Perhaps it is all the school I’ve been through, but even now as a professional, I am looking at September as a new beginning. September-December is hands down my favorite tie of year. The weather is fabulous, the trees are gorgeous, the colors are darker, holidays are coming, love is in the air, everything is just great! So I figured what better month to begin committing to monthly goals again.

My September Goals:

Get my schedule down pact

So I recently graduated college but the hustle is never over. I’m a working professional during the day but also managing our family’s bar at night. On top of that I’m studying for the LSAT. I’ve been doing pretty well balancing them all actually, however with the LSAT getting closer I will have to shift more time towards studying. This just means I have to commit to using my planner 🙂

SAVE money

Again, I’m fresh out of college (aka broke), with two jobs and living at home. I have such potential to save money right now and I need to take advantage of that. I even opened a bank account for 20% of my check to go to every month for savings. I’m excited to see this grow.

Study Study Study

The LSAT, oh the LSAT. For those of you who don’t know, the LSAT is the Admissions Test for Law School. I’m beginning a prep course next month but I want to be ahead of the game so I’m not going in blind. Law School has always been a dream of mine and I’m finally taking the chance on myself. I can’t wait to see where this takes me…literally (NYC anyone??)

Read more often

Since I’ve been studying I’ve been spending a lot of time in my happy place, Barnes & Noble. This has made me realize how much I miss just sitting back and reading a good book. I feel like I let Netflix take over my reading habits and I’d like to change that. There’s nothing better than laying cozied up, candles lit, and getting lost in a good book.

Until next time,

xo Rickie