Hey everyone! I’ve been steering away from beauty and fashion in my latest posts and I wanted to bring it back today with a fun little post. As much as...
Hi everyone! This weekend was the annual Greek festival that my church hosts! The name of the festival is Glendi, which simply means “party” in Greek. I’ve been going to...
Hi everyone! So I’ve been brainstorming new blog post ideas and I thought it’d be cool to do a series called “A Day in the Life”. Throughout the series I...
Hi everyone! So I am officially all moved in to my new apartment on campus! It’s way different from last year’s suite, but it also allows us much more freedom....
Hi everyone! As you can probably tell from the title, today I will be giving some tips on how to make friends in college. I am a very introverted person so...
Hi everyone! As I’ve explained in some of my posts I have spent the last month in Greece visiting family. Today is my last day and it’s so bittersweet. I’m...