Hi all!

For those of you still reading I appreciate you so much and for those who stopped, I can’t say I blame you. I know that it has been 2 months since my last post and I wanted to update you all on where I’ve been. This is by far the longest I’ve gone without a blog post so I believe I owe some explanation.

I’ve started writing this post multiple times over the past few weeks but I just could not get myself back into writing. Partially because I’ve been so guilty from neglecting my blog and partially because I’ve been working my tail off in other aspects of my life. Regardless, I am here to stay and excited to be back interacting with all of you wonderful people!

As many of you know I am a college student blogging for the fun of it (still true btw). This year is my final year of undergraduate studies and I am working hard to stay on top of all of my work, and on top of my class. I take my academics very seriously and enjoy every bit of learning I can get. With that comes many sacrifices.

In addition to my studies I am also making big decisions for my future. Senior year is full of hard decisions: Should I go to grad school? When should I start? Where should I apply for jobs? How can I set myself apart? You get the idea… My mind is racing 24 hours of the day.

I’m applying for jobs left and right without being completely sure of what I want to do career-wise. I never had a set dream of what I want to do. I’m sure many of you have had or are going through a similar experience and can imagine the stress I feel. If you have any advice feel free to send some my way.

Before all my work piled up and my life was a busy mess I was experiencing writers block for the first time. While I may struggle to think of topics you guys enjoy, I remembered why I started my blog. It’s an outlet for me.

As I sit in Barnes & Noble right now, I remember how easy it is to just sit and write down my thoughts. I’ve missed being behind my computer and writing about whatever comes to mind. It may be that today is the day before Thanksgiving and I have a short break from everything but I am feeling refueled and motivated.

I’m excited to take these next couple of days and focus on things that make me happy. I will talk to you all soon (I promise).

Thanks for reading!!

xo Rickie