Well hello there—

Happy New Year! I can’t believe I started this blog back in 2015! I may not be consistent with my blog posts throughout the year, but I’ll never miss out on setting goals for the new year. This year I hope to find joy in writing again, and reading—but we’ll get to that shortly.

First, I want to take a moment to reflect on 2022. This year was another one full of challenges, but also great achievements. This was my first year as an attorney, and that alone was a whirlwind. I dedicated the year to working and understanding the practice of law. I learned more than I thought I was capable of, and look forward to expanding my knowledge in 2023.

This was also my first year engaged! I started planning my dream wedding and cannot wait to see my vision come to life. Which brings me to the present—2023—the year I get married!

I mention this every year, but when setting goals, it is important to be specific. Wanting to achieve something is not enough to get you there; you need a plan. So here we are, planning my goals for 2023.

1. Read more books

Original, I know. I’ve said this before, but law school ruined reading as a hobby for me. After I took the bar exam in 2021 I didn’t want to touch another book. In 2022 I started reading again, and I enjoyed it! This year I want to revisit the classics. While I was home for Christmas I found myself gazing through my old bookshelf. I packed all of my books from high school English class and plan to reread them throughout the year. I still remember the first time I read the Great Gatsby (my favorite book to this day). I’m excited to see how reading those books from my now 28-year-old prospective. Maybe I’ll even post some reviews (but don’t hold your breath)

2. Continue creating—explore different hobbies

Creativity is something I’ve always struggled with. Those who know me know I’m a realist, and sometimes that gets in the way of being creative. Ironically, I really enjoy creating. This blog started as a creative outlet for me and it brought me great joy for a long time. Then, life happened.

Being an adult is hard. Before you laugh, hear me out. It is so easy to get stuck in the mundane routine of “work, dinner, bed, repeat.” Sometimes we mix in a TV show or two. But overall, we stick the the same schedule, and forget to have fun. Creating is my way of having fun. Whether its writing a blog post, doing my makeup, or crafting, having a creative outlet is crucial. This year I want to explore more of my creativity.

3. Grow my professional network

Networking has always been a top priority of mine. However, last year I was so focused on learning the ropes that networking took a back seat. This year I want to focus on getting back out there, and meeting new people, and making lasting connections. I am very fortunate to practice in an area where there are ample networking opportunities for young professionals. My goal is not only to attend more functions, but to participate at said functions with those outside of my network. This year is about connecting!

4. Plan and enjoy our dream wedding

Everyone whose planned a wedding knows just how stressful the planning process can be. From budgeting to coordinating—things can get frustrating. I received this advice from so many people and it seems so simple—enjoy the process. My goal is to enjoy the wedding planning process, and so far so good. At the end of the day I get to marry my best friend, and I can’t wait to celebrate that!

5. Create and maintain a staple wardrobe

Last year one of my goals was to declutter my house. A big part of the clutter is my closet, and even though I donated so many items (seriously, multiple trash bags) my closet is still jam-packed. On top of that, even with a full closet, I find myself struggling to put together an outfit. I always reach for the same few items. My goal this year is to stick to the staples. I don’t want to buy an outfit for one specific occasion and let it sit there for years. Instead, I’ll be more realistic when shopping and think more about cost per wear. By the end of the year I hope to have a more cohesive, wearable wardrobe.

6. Move my body

As I mentioned above, its so easy to get stuck in the same routine, and unfortunately mine doesn’t include much movement. I rarely get up from my desk all day, and by the time I get home I’m too exhausted to even attempt a work out. Additionally, working out can be overwhelming. Committing to a gym routine and sticking to it is not something I have been great at long term. So my goal is a little smaller. I want to do something everyday to “move my body”. Same days, that may look like a morning stretch, others an afternoon walk. Either way, I need to get moving!

7. Positive self talk

This will be a tough one, but I’m excited to incorporate this into my life. I am very open about my struggles with anxiety. Often times, I think of everything can go wrong before even considering what may go right. We’re all guilty of this sometimes, some more than others. This year, I will incorporate more positive self talk throughout my days. I’ll start by simply correcting myself every time I talk negatively about myself. Less “I can’t do this” and more “I am capable”, ya know?

8. Speak more Greek

This one is just that simple—I just need to do it. It’s been over 4 years since I last visited my family in Greece (thank you, Covid followed by the Bar Exam), and my Greek has suffered. This year I want to practice my Greek. The more I forget, the less confident I become. To make this happen I’ll speak it more with my family, listen to more Greek music, and be more active in my local Greek community. My goal is to gain my confidence back by the wedding!

There you have it. My goals for 2023, and my first but hopefully not last post of 2023. See you soon.

xo, Rickie