Hi everyone!

Assuming you read the title, you know what this post is about. So, let’s not waste any time. Today, I’m sharing my absolute essentials. I’ve come to the conclusion it’s fairly impossible for me to carry anything less than a tote as a bag, and you’re about to see why. There’s some things I just don’t like to leave the house without. Let’s jump in!

My Planner

I am one of those people who lives inside of my planner. If it doesn’t get written down, it’s not happening. I prefer to have it on me at all times. I pictured my current planner below!

A Coffee Cozy

Ok, so I have to come clean. I used to think these were ridiculous. Now I don’t go anywhere without one. My favorite brand is The Love Mich. She makes the best cozies, hands down. There’s nothing I hate more than doing work and the condensation from my coffee soaks all my papers. Not only does the cozy solve this problem, but its just so cute to look at! Check out her instagram @lovemichco if you haven’t already. You can thank me later.

Water Bottle

I prefer to always have water on me, I always have, but I’m pretty picky with my water bottles. It’s really easy to just pop a plastic water bottle in my bag on move along, but I’m also trying to be better about that. So, I got this. It’s called a Hydra Peak and I got it at Marshall’s for only $12.99! It’s basically a knock-off Hydro Flask.

Not only are Hydro Flasks expensive, but I don’t prefer any of their caps. I have drinking from metal, I get a weird taste and the other cap is like a straw which I don’t prefer either. This one is perfect! It’s a sturdy leak-free plastic cap that twists on and off.


Bluetooth headphones changed the game! I’ve had my AirPods for a little over a year now and I cannot leave the house without them. I love how small and convenient they are. They’re great for the gym, work, studying, and so much more! There’s nothing worse than having a bunch of tangled up cords in your bag. With my AirPods I never have to worry about that again!

A Writing Utensil

Or a couple… I always need at least a pen in my bag but in law school I started carrying a little pouch and I’ve just kept it in my bag ever since. It has all my pens, pencils, highlighters, etc. It’s usually more than necessary but it comes in handy.

And that does it! Those are my absolute bag essentials. Like I said, I’m not a light traveler. I hope you enjoyed!

Thanks for reading!

xo Rickie