Happy 2020!

It’s so crazy to think I started this blog back in 2015! It feels like just yesterday! While I don’t post nearly as much as I used to, if you know me you know I wouldn’t miss a chance to set some goals. The new year means a fresh start and I sure need one. 2019 was a great year, but a tough one. Law school kicked my butt and while we bought a house (yay!) there was a whole lot of work that came with it. In 2020 I want to take charge again. So today, I’m putting pen to paper and writing down some of my goals for 2020. Along with my goals, I’m including things I want to start/keep/stop doing to help me get there. Here are my goals for this year:

Take note of what makes me happy and do more of it

Too often we get stuck in this mundane cycle of work, school, whatever it may be and forget to take care of ourselves. 2020 will be the year that I pay attention. I want to pay attention to what makes me happy and do more of that, whether it be spending time with friends, reading a book, or staying in bed all day and not feeling guilty! On the flip side, I also want to take note of what does not make me happy and do less of that. We’re doing away with negative vibes in 2020! If something isn’t making me happy then what is the point? This, I’m saying goodbye to whatever it is! 

  • Start: Scheduling “me time”
  • Keep: Making time to be with friends and family
  • Stop: Being afraid to say no to something I don’t want to do

Be conscious of what I put into my body 

While I survived the Freshman 15 in undergrad…law school hit me like a truck. This goal is a baby step toward a healthier lifestyle for me. No, I’m going on a diet or making any drastic changes, but I do recognize that I am getting older and it’s time to start realizing what I’m putting into my body. I’ve come to realize that I feel horrible afterward eating certain foods and while they are tasty, it’s not worth feeling gross afterward. I’m big on allowing yourself what your body is craving but I struggle with the whole moderation thing so hopefully, by paying more attention I’ll be able to take control. 

  • Start: Staying motivated, sticking to my goals, and going to the gym!
  • Keep: Staying positive
  • Stop: Shaming myself for indulging, comparing myself to others

Create more 

I’ve never considered myself to be creative. I’m typically a very static, rule-following, type-A personality which I think can hold back my creative side. This year, I want to become more in touch with my creative side. I want to write more, take more pictures, and get creative with makeup. 

  • Start: Creating, whatever it is, make the time!
  • Keep: Getting excited about creating!
  • Stop: Being afraid to share something I’m proud of (i.e. a photo, makeup look, etc.)

Be present

This is something I’ve been working in for years and I think I’ve really started to conquer. In 2020 I want to continue enjoying the present moment. I want to have more conversations and less staring down at my phone as a security blanket. There’s a whole world out there that so many of us are missing out on because we are so stuck in our phones. 

  • Start: Conversations!
  • Keep: Putting my phone down when around company
  • Stop: Getting lost in my phone and social media.

Take control of me, and realize that I cannot control others

This will probably be the hardest goal for me in 2020, and one that took me a while to even put together. I am a control freak. I need everything to go smoothly and I figure the best way to do that is to control it all myself. I’ve come to realize this is nearly impossible and that is because I will never be able to control others. No matter how hard I try, people will always do what they want it in end. This is not just the case for work, school, projects, etc. but in everyday life.

In 2018, I made it a goal to make a change in my life to be more conscious of the things I say, do etc. In 2019, I made the goal to encourage others to do the same. I wanted little by little to show people how to empathize. I still aspire to make change one by one however, I now acknowledge that I cannot change anyone unless they want to make a change. This was a hard lesson and one I will continue to work on in 2020.

  • Start: Accepting that everyone will not be receptive to change
  • Keep: Speaking up when I think something is wrong/makes me uncomfortable
  • Stop: Pushing others to make changes they are not ready for

I am feeling really positive going into this year. I really want to take back control and focus on happiness inside and out. That being said, those are my goals for this year!

As always, thanks for reading!

xo Rickie