Another years is upon us! Are they going faster and faster or is it just me? I’m not one to brag but 2023 was a pretty amazing year for me. My career took off, I married my best friend, and I dedicated a lot of my time to self growth and wellness. I accomplished goals in 2023 that I never even thought possible. So as a new year begins, I want to think hard about how to create more opportunities for success, personally, financially, and professionally.

If you’ve been here before, you know the drill. I my the the worst blogger in the history of bloggers, but if there’s one thing I don’t miss, it’s a chance to start the year off on the right foot by setting goals. I’m here to do just that. Let’s get to business.

1. Redecorate my house

The better part of my year last year went to planning my dream wedding. It was a magical day, but one that took a lot of time, money, and dedication to plan. That means a lot of other parts of my life were put on the back burner…and that my house slowly filled up with wedding items (if you know, you know). I’ve never had the best eye for interior design, but this year I really want to focus on decluttering, cohesiveness, and comfort in the home. While I spend most of my time at work, my home is my sanctuary. I want to feel at peace there. So this year, room by room, I plan to re-fall in love with our house. Pinterest here I come.

2. Cook more meals at home

Don’t get me wrong, we eat at home pretty often, but my husband is the cook between us two. Before we lived together I always did the cooking for myself and I didn’t realize how much I missed it until recently. Cooking can be such a creative outlet and as simple as it sounds, it feels so good to prepare a meal for yourself to enjoy. My mom and I plan to cook a meal together weekly to get us both going. Accountability people!

3. Experience more

Goal setting works best when you are specific, so on its face, this is not a strong goal, but let me explain. For two years I have been busting my behind working to both give my career a kick start and save money for said dream wedding. This lead to a lot of “no, sorry I can’t make it’s”. This year I want to say yes to doing more recreational activities, especially travel. I have few trips planned already and hope to sneak a couple more in. This is my last year in my twenties (yikes) and I feel like I need to take advantage of that. I’m not getting any younger people.

4. Read more books/less screen time

I really got back into reading last year, which has been a goal of mine since graduating from law school in 2021. I’m so excited to be able to get lost in a good book again. Plus, I would much rather read before bed than scroll aimlessly on my phone. I even got a kindle for Christmas that has not left my side since I opened it. This year I hope to get out of my reading comfort zone and try some new genres. If you want to talk books, I’m your gal.

5. Post more content

Social media can be a toxic place, but I used to manage a healthy relationship with it. Somewhere along the way it became a chore to post anything. That includes on my blog, instagram, Twitter (x or whatever it is now), etc. I used to get so much joy out of sharing my thoughts and ideas, but have seriously stepped away the past few years. This year I’d like to get that healthy balance back. So maybe you’ll actually see more of me :).

6. Set monthly goals and manifest

I am usually quite successful with my yearly goals. I consider myself to be highly disciplined. This year, I thought I’d step it up a notch and make smaller goals each month to help me stay on track with the bigger picture. This month I wrote my goals on a sticky note as if they already happened. For example, “I paid off my credit card in January” or “I got a promotion in February”. This way I am putting in into the universe. After all, I can use all the help I can get.

There you have it. If you’re still reading at this point I thank you dearly. This blog has been a place for me to lay it all out there for eight years now. No matter how often I make it back to writing, I feel as good as the first time I posted. Thank you all for reading and happy new year!

Until next time.

xo Rickie