Happy New Year!!

As opposed to posting my monthly goals this month I decided it was fitting to post my goals for the year. If you have been following my blog you would know I’m a very goal-oriented person and I’m constantly setting goals. After reflecting on 2015 and my long term goals, I came up with a list of things I want to accomplish in 2016.

1. Travel Travel Travel

Ok this is kind of a given but I had to include it. I already have three trips planned in 2016: Mexico, Greece, and Rio! The older get the more I appreciate traveling. Any chance I get to travel this year, I’m taking it! I’d love to visit the West Coast and Puerto Rico as well! I can’t wait to see the world!

2. Vlog

I think this may be my favorite goal. It will likely be the most challenging as it is way out of my comfort zone. I’d really love to invest in a quality camera this year and be able to vlog my trips! I thought blogging would be scary but I turned out loving it and I think the same could happen with vlogging!

3. Get an idea of where I want to be in 2017

If you haven’t noticed, I’m a planner. Not knowing what’s going to happen gives me anxiety. I’m graduating college in 2017 (scary, I know) so I need to start thinking ahead. I don’t need to know exactly what I want to do, just where I’ll be whether it be grad school, law school, work, etc.

4. Drink more water

This is something I’ve been working on lately and have always had trouble with. I get headaches often and struggle with extremely dry skin. Keeping hydrated is always a good place to start with both of these issues. To help me along I ordered planner inserts with a water tracker. I also got lots of cute water bottles for Christmas to keep on me at all times!

5. Focus on skin and hair care

I never focused on either of these things until fairly recently. My hair is finally starting to grow after a year and my skin has been feeling great. I got a Clarisonic for Christmas so I’m excited to get some good use out of this. I’ve already seen some results.

6. Enjoy life, worry less

Ok I lied about the vlogging being the most challenging, this definitely will be. I’m a huge worrier. I always make the biggest deal out of the smallest things. This year I want to work on enjoying things more and worrying less. I plan to focus on more positives than negatives.

These are my largest goals of the year, however I will continue to make smaller goals each month. I hope everyone had a great New Years Eve and I can’t wait to see what this year has to offer!

xo Rickie