Ok, so I mentioned it in a previous post but April is the absolute worst month for college students. I feel like a have not had a half hour to myself in weeks. I did accomplish most of last month’s goals regardless of all the stress, but it’s a new month and I’m ready to start fresh. Here are my goals for the month of May.

Keep it together

I have two weeks of school left. That’s it, two weeks. I need to manage not to have a meltdown every day because I am so ready to be done! I’m trying to just take it day by day so hopefully that helps but it is not easy. I just need to stay positive a little bit longer!

Continue with my healthier eating habits

If you saw my April Goals you would know that I wanted to change my eating habits as I was not feeling well. I began a gluten free diet and I have been feeling SO much better! I took a complete 180. I’m not one to diet or anything. I love pizza and I live off junk food. This was something that was extremely hard for me to do and I am really proud of myself for sticking to it. I plan to stick to this through May! (Side note fir those curious  I do plan on getting tested for gluten intolerance/allergy but for now I’m self diagnosed lol)

Start working out again

Eating healthier has made me feel so much better and therefore have energy to do more. Now that I have this energy I want to use it to my benefit. Over the summer, or at least for now, I want to start getting out and jogging at least just for the fun of it. I always feel great after I work out but it’s getting to do it that’s the struggle. Hopefully with more free time I’ll be motivated.

Be more outgoing/creative with my time

Too often my summers pass by and when someone asks what I did I can’t really think of anything. While I want to relax, I want even more to do the things I say I’ve always wanted to. For example I want to go hiking, fishing, take a road trip, and other things my introverted self usually turns away from. While I love Netflix, I want to do more with my time. I really want to focus on getting outside and just enjoying the days.

Hit 100 blog followers

I believe I’m around 90 followers and I’d love to hit 100 before the end of the month. My posts have been scattered lately but once the semester ends I will be posting much more. As soon as I hit 100 I would love to do a giveaway of some sort so let me know if you have any ideas! Blogging is something I’ve truly fallen in love with over the past year and I can’t believe I’m so close to 100!


My favorite part about summer is all the time I have to read. I know it’s not summer yet but finals are next week and as far as I’m concerned that means summer is here! I really enjoy reading and I already have some books lined up. For those of you who don’t know I’m taking a seminar abroad course this summer and heading to Rio for the Olympic Games! While it’s super exciting, there is coursework to be done including two book reports so I’d like to get those done asap so I can look froward to the trip!

I’m so relieved that May is here. I’m a bit nervous because that means my junior year is over and I need to mentally prepare to be a senior but that can wait a few months. For now I want to focus on these smaller scale goals and just enjoy myself. Thanks for reading and be ready for a lot more  posts!!

xo Rickie