Welcome August!

I woke up really motivated this morning! I wanted to get a post up but wasn’t sure just what; then I remembered I used to post these goals every month. I thought it was a great idea to start it up again.

As I’m sure you’ve heard, those who write their goals down are much more likely to reach them than those who do not. I’ve always been a goal-setter, but I’ve been slacking lately in writing them down, especially my short term goals. This month I’m starting law school so I thought, what better time than now?! So without further adieu, here are my goals for the month:

Get back on a ‘normal’ sleep schedule

If you’ve even clicked on my blog page you’ve seen I spent my summer in Greece. I’ve been back about two weeks now and I’m still in vacation mode. Right now I work as a bartender at my family’s restaurant so my sleeping hours are already abnormal. With law school only a couple of weeks away I need to start getting into the habit of getting out of bed at a reasonable hour.

I’ve started working on this by helping my dad out in the mornings and still bartending all night that way I’m up and moving for most of the day. I’ve also (sadly) laid off the naps.

Finish my summer reading

I wasn’t one bit surprised when I found out I had to complete readings before law school began. With all I’ve heard/researched it seems I’ll be reading 24/7 for the next 3 years of my life. My summer reading assignment is from the book What Every Law Student Really Needs to Know: an Introduction to the Study of Law (2nd edition). So far its been very helpful in introducing me to new topics and preparing me for classes, notes, reading, etc.

Figure out my living situation

Yeah, so this sounds a bit funny but I’ll explain. I’ve been living with my friends in an apartment for the last year but our lease is up in September. When we moved, I had a full-time job and no intentions of going back to school.

*Spoiler Alert* I changed my mind. Knowing how much I struggled with money in college, keeping this apartment may be very difficult. So I have some big decisions to make, fast.

Keep up with my blog (both writing and Instagram)

I’ve been spending a lot of time growing my blog Instagram this summer (@asfarasiknowit), and I’m having fun with it! I’ve always loved taking pictures. I have like 12,000  photos on my phone alone. Instagram and blogging are my way of sharing my passion with all of you! It’s also nice to look back on for myself.

As for blogging, I think I’ll have a lot more content and inspiration when I’m back in school. I already have so many ideas. In addition, if you have any suggestions be sure to leave them in the comments below.

Start law school strong!!!

Last but BY FAR not least, let’s do the damn thing!!!! I’ve been talking about becoming a lawyer since I was about 8 years old. I am finally taking the steps to do so and I couldn’t be more excited. If you are in, or know any one in, law school share your 1L experiences below.

There you have it, my goals for the month of August! With all this being said, law school will be my priority so I do apologize in advance if I become absent. I will keep up as long as I can. I love blogging because I can look back at my posts as a memory in the future, so I’m going to try my hardest to keep it up!

As always, thank you for reading and I will see you soon!

xo Rickie