We made it!!!

There is no doubt, 2020 was quite the year. It was filled with some of the hardest times many of us had to face. I can only hope that 2021 brings us happiness, success, and good times. At the beginning of every year, I like to set certain goals for the entire year to come. That way I can not only hold myself accountable, but I have something to reflect on at the end of the year. Last year I set some pretty great goals and looking back, I am so proud of what I was able to accomplish in such an unorthodox year. When setting my goals, I like to use a start/keep/stop system to keep me on track. With that being said, here are my goals for 2021:

Get comfortable with being uncomfortable

If there is one thing 2020 did for me, it made me learn to adapt. I adapted as a student, an employee, a homeowner, and just a person in general. As much as I love to travel and learn new things, I am very much a creature of habit. So when 2020 turned my world upside-down, it felt impossible to adjust. Regardless, I did it, and that shows me that I can, and should, continue to push myself outside of my comfort zone. This year I want to get comfortable with being uncomfortable, meaning I want to try new things without feeling like the worst is going to happen. Too often I focus on everything that is stopping me, rather than the great things that can come from me pushing myself.

  • Start: Saying yes to things that scare me
  • Keep: Taking it day-by-day
  • Stop: Focusing on all of the things that could go wrong

Stay True to Myself

I know I’ve said it multiple times now, but last year was hard, like really hard. I had to make some decisions that were in the best interests of myself and my loved ones. I am confident in who I am as a person. I come on strong and I expect a lot from others, and that’s ok. I’ve made choices in my life that I can’t expect others to make. I stand up for those who need it most. I am not afraid to speak up about social injustice. I’m not afraid to hold people accountable. I’m not afraid of having hard conversations. I think growth often follows the toughest conversations. In 2021, I won’t stop being me. This year was a rude awakening for me. People’s true colors were exposed, and rather than calling it what it was, I kept coming up with excuses. When I started holding people accountable for their actions I realized that you can’t want more for someone than they want for themself. I won’t apologize for expecting those around me to respect others and realize how their actions affect others. In 2021, I will surround myself with people who make me happy, and continue to be unapologetically myself.

  • Start: Being confident in my decisions
  • Keep: Speaking up, spreading awareness, and holding others accountable
  • Stop: Coming up with excuses for people

Declutter my House

2020 was our first full year in our home. I will say, quarantine gave us a lot of time to make improvements. Now that everything is finally coming together, it’s time to take the next step in organizing everything. I’ve come to realize that too much stuff leads to a lack of organization. I’ve also realized I have too much stuff 😂. For example, there is still a suitcase full of clothes that have not been touched since we moved into our house in 2019. If I’ve gone an entire year (and some change) without using it, I don’t need it. In the next month and throughout the year I am going to get rid of things I do not use and refrain from buying stuff I don’t need.

  • Start: Going through my clothes and getting rid of things I never wear
  • Keep: Putting things in their place, rather than leaving them out
  • Stop: Making impulse purchases

Be a Better Friend

I’ll be the first to admit that I’m not the easiest person to be friends with. I’m a total introvert with crippling anxiety, which often leaves me wanting to spend time alone on my couch with my dog. Even so, I hope to open up a bit more this year. Because I get so anxious about hanging out with others, I often feel embarrassed or guilty when I cancel plans and ultimately pull away completely. I’m also totally someone who feels annoying all the time and will hold back so much because of it. Once in a while, I’ll go out of my comfort zone and it feels so good! This year I aim to be better. I want to be the one to reach out first and I want to be there for those who’ve been there for me.

  • Start: Conversations!
  • Keep: Trying, even when I’m feeling discouraged.
  • Stop: Feeling guilty when I’m too anxious to go somewhere or do something

Pass the Massachusetts Bar Exam

This is probably my biggest goal for this year. The heavy lifting won’t come until around May, but I think it’s important to keep this goal on my radar from the start. The bar exam is extremely challenging and even more intimidating. I cannot believe I am graduating from law school this year. This is something I’ve talked about since I was literally eight years old. While I have seen a lot of success throughout law school, there are no guarantees. I want to make sure I do well in my last semester without completely burning myself out before the bar exam. Come May, I will begin studying full-time (yes, at least 8 hours a day) in preparation. Hopefully, the exam will be back to normal by the time I take it. There was a lot of confusion and even more anxiety than normal regarding the exam during the pandemic.

  • Start: Mentally preparing for the amount of dedication this is going to entail
  • Keep: Prioritizing school work
  • Stop: Overthinking/panicking about the unknown

These are my goals for this year! Writing down my goals brings me so much joy. I loved looking back at last year’s goals and seeing just how far I’ve come. I’m so excited to have a fresh start this year and really get the ball going on my career. I’m also really excited to start blogging again!

As always, thank you so much for reading!

xo Rickie