Hello & Happy New Year!!

Last year was one of the most monumental years of my life. There were crazy ups and downs and boy oh boy did it end with a bang! While I may be the most inconsistent blogger of all time, I have yet to miss my New Years post! Every year I make it a priority to reflect on the previous year and set goals for next year.

The year of 2021 will be hard to top. Last year I graduated law school, took and passed the Massachusetts Bar Exam, got published, was sworn in as an Attorney, started my new role as an attorney at my job AND I GOT ENGAGED! Whew. Just reading that back seems surreal.

I dedicated the majority of last year to focusing on school and passing the bar exam, and it paid off. However, because I was so focused on that goal, everything unrelated got put on the back burner. As I begin planning for 2022, I want to bring back many of the things that used to bring me joy. Not only did the bar exam quite literally suck everything out of me, law school itself was HARD. This year will mark the first year since I was a child that I will not be a student. Taking that into account, I have some big plans for 2022. Without further adieu, here are my goals for 2022!

Get back in touch with my creative side

Those of you who know me may giggle at this, knowing I’m really lacking in the “creativity” department. However, I do enjoy writing, blogging, content creating, and playing with make-up. Aside from this moment, I cannot even remember the last time I wrote something without it being assigned to me. Additionally, ever since Covid entered the building, I can probably count on one hand how many times I’ve put a full face of make-up on. Things have really changed! This year I want to make time to let myself create, whatever that may entail!


Another thing about law school, it is not inexpensive by any means! In 2022, I want to really buckle down and make plans for how I am going to be budgeting for the future. I’ve been a student my whole life and it’s time to change how I run things financially. Plus, we have a wedding to save for now!!

Start building my law practice

Being a new attorney is hard. Between imposter syndrome, feeling decades behind, and never having enough time in the day, the stress can feel unbearable. In my first year as an attorney I want to push myself to continue to learn and to push myself out of my comfort zone. I want to make new connections and strengthen those that are already existing. I want gain confidence through practice, and most importantly, I want to find what I am most passionate about and start building my career.

Enjoy being a fiancé!

As I mentioned, my fiancé and I are getting married…after 11 years of being together!! We are so thrilled to begin this next chapter and I want to enjoy every moment. With Covid lingering, we are in no rush to get married, so I want to just soak up all the excitement and enjoy ourselves, especially after the last year. If any of you know anyone who has taken the bar exam, you know the toll it takes on people. My fiancé Bryan was BEYOND supportive and extremely patient throughout the whole process and now its our time to celebrate!

Like I said, 2021 was a big year, but I have a good feeling about 2022. I hope to be more consistent in my blog so you can all enjoy the ride with me! Here’s to a new year!

xo Rickie