Hi everyone! Assuming you read the title, you know what this post is about. So, let’s not waste any time. Today, I’m sharing my absolute essentials. I’ve come to the...
Hi Friends! How are ya?! I’m doing pretty well myself. Work is going great! I’m gearing up for my second year of law school. I’m feeling pretty good! I haven’t...
Happy Prime Day! Amazon is putting on a their “Prime Day” which is exclusive to Prime members. It lasts two days and is the Black Friday of July! I’ve been...
Hi friends! My cousin is getting married!! I spent the weekend in Rhode Island with her and her friends to celebrate. We had such a blast. My other cousin is...
Happy Summer! Long time no talk! (Law school will do that). I’ve been trying to come up with something worth writing about but nothing seemed worthy enough. I haven’t traveled...